A Culinary Quest for the Ages

Imagine a world where one family from Southern California innocently embarks on a journey to Disneyland looking for a quick bite to eat.  When suddenly their “quick” bite turns into a calendar year of gastronomic adventure the likes of which the DIS blogosphere has never seen.

Yes, my family and I have decided to partake in a challenge equal to the Ironman, scaling the top of Mt. Everest, or even the Annual Nathan’s Famous Hot Dog Eating Contest. What is this amazing race (lower case so there is no copyright infringement)? We have decided to eat nearly all of our Disney dining meals this year at as many different places in the Disneyland Resort as we can.

Everyone knows that dining at Disneyland is not the same as dining in Walt Disney World.  So yes, this proposal may be, at times, disappointing.  Last year we tried such an adventure by attempting to experience every attraction at least once throughout the year.  Unfortunately, illness, my master’s degree, and lack of focus allowed us to fail in this endeavor.  (Although, we had succeeded a few years back.).

With my education completed, everyone in my family healthy, and a renewed focus on what is truly important (I mean eating is important.  If you don’t eat…), we are ready to eat at as many different places (mostly counter service) as we can.  There are no official rules. There is no way I am going to limit myself to only one visit to Steakhouse 55.

Why are we doing this?  Is it for the glory?  The fame?  The calories?  The AP discounts?  The Nescafe?  None of the above.  Living only fifteen minutes away from Disneyland is a privilege.   Anyone who reads the DISboards knows that.  So instead of taking for granted our close proximity to the Happiest Place on Earth, we think we should share our opportunity with everyone.

There is nothing worse than plunking down twenty bucks for a meal you didn’t enjoy and knowing that there is nothing you can really do about it.  Our goal is to review as many Disneyland dining places as we can this year so you won’t have to waste your money.  Also, this will force us to not always eat at the same few places.

We hope to find some values and gems as well as discovering new favorites for ourselves.  Of course, these reviews will be our opinions, so feel free to agree or disagree.  My family and I are looking forward to going on this culinary adventure with you, the DIS community, every bite of the way.







7 responses to “A Culinary Quest for the Ages”

  1. mrzrich Avatar

    Can’t wait to live vicariously through you! Bring it on!

  2. daneenm Avatar

    Love this idea Tony! I tried a couple new places on our last trip and would go back to both any time.

  3. Dave Parfitt Avatar
    Dave Parfitt

    Sounds cool! I can’t wait to read more about it Tony. Great picture of your family too!

  4. […] A Culinary Quest for the Ages | The DIS Unplugged Disney Blog http://www.disunplugged.com/2010/01/13/a-culinary-quest-for-the-ages – view page – cached Imagine a world where one family from Southern California innocently embarks on a journey to Disneyland looking for a quick bite to eat.  When suddenly […]

  5. marsa1969 Avatar

    So can’t wait to read your blog. I would like to go to Disneyland this summer. I’m totally confused about the dining at DL.

  6. Cyrano Avatar

    Great blog Tony 🙂

  7. […] has two great stories: one about a family planning to eat their way around Disneyland this year, and another highlighting photos from Friday’s Tables in Wonderland Great Movie […]

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